- Atkin Olshin Schade Architects, Philadelphia, PA
- Boston Financial Data Services, Quincy, MA
- Bristol County Sheriff’s Department
- City of Fall River, MA
- City of New Bedford, MA
- CNA Insurance, Braintree, MA
- Compass Realty Associates, Burlington, MA
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- Department of Housing and Community Development
- Department of Conservation and Recreation
- Department of Capital Asset Management & Maintenance
- Dyer Brown & Associates, Inc., Boston, MA
- Elephant Rock Beach Club, Westport, MA
- Equity Offices, Boston, MA
- Fairhaven Fire Department, Fairhaven, MA
- Fall River Savings Bank, Fall River, MA
- Framingham Housing Authority, Framingham, MA
- Fall River Housing Authority, Fall River, MA
- Fidelity Investments, Boston, MA
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Kennedy Donovan Center
- HallKeen Management, Norwell, MA
- Imtra Corporation, New Bedford, MA
- iXP Corporation, New York, NY
- Albert Lees, Westport, MA
- LifeStream Inc., New Bedford, MA
- London Municipal Police, UK
- Long Plain Meetinghouse, Acushnet, MA
- Mattapoisett Water and Sewer Department, Mattapoisett, MA
- Mattapoisett Friends Meetinghouse, Mattapoisett, MA
- Melmark New England, Andover, MA
- New Bedford Housing Authority, New Bedford, MA
- New Bedford Port Society, New Bedford, MA
- New York City Police Department, NY
- NorthStar Learning Centers, New Bedford, MA
- Oberon Corp., New Bedford, MA
- People Acting in Community Endeavors, New Bedford, MA
- Partners Village Store, Westport, MA
- Pilgrim United Church of Christ, New Bedford, MA
- Pleasant Street Ventures, New Bedford, MA
- Providence Performing Arts Center, Providence, RI
- Reebok International, Canton, MA
- Rochester Police Department, Rochester, MA
- Saint Mary’s County, Leonardtown, MD
- Silverline Windows, Fall River, MA
- SmarkPak Equine, Plymouth, MA
- Stevens Children’s Home, Swansea, MA
- Tappe Associates, Boston, MA
- Taunton Housing Authority, Taunton, MA
- Temple Chayai, Easton, MA
- Titlest, Fairhaven, MA
- Towns of Acushnet, Dartmouth, Dedham, Dighton, Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, Raynham, Rochester, Salem, Shirley, Somerset, MA
- United States Coast Guard
- U/MASS Dartmouth
- WHALE, Waterfront Historic League Area, New Bedford, MA
- Women’s Institute for Housing and Economic Development, Boston, MA
- Zeiterion Theater Inc. New Bedford, MA
Private Residential
- Cheever, Wareham, MA
- Colgate Prentice, Westport, MA
- Collidge-Boreiko, Westport, MA
- Cornell, Dartmouth, MA
- Denizard, Dartmouth, MA
- Elefante-Sawyer, Westport, MA
- Garfield, Little Compton, RI
- Hoder, Tiverton, RI
- Hollister, Dartmouth, MA
- Kendall, Little Compton, RI
- Karpf, Westport, MA
- Lanier, Westport, MA
- Miller, Dartmouth, MA
- Newton, Dartmouth, MA
- Penney, Westport,MA
- Pizzella-Baker, Westport, MA
- Prentice, Westport, MA
- Rink Residence, Acoaxet, MA
- Rosow, Westport, MA
- Sands, Dartmouth, MA
- Semine, Westport, MA
- Schmitt, Westport, MA
- Tompkins, Little Compton, RI
- Tripp, Westport, MA
- Voorhees, Westport, MA
- Wicks, Westport, MA